Building an Alternative Society by "iiaom" identity, "rcoin" money, "comcom" ownership, and "liquid unions" distribution

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Yes, I am angry! @ Postnational Solutions
Solutions by Common Companies Foundation of NonProft Netowrk
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ComComized Groups:
Full mobility while blocking unlimited power accumulation for transparent and satisfaction of the members
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Postnational Solutions To Win the Xenophobic Neoliberalism WithOut the Tyranny of Minority/Majority (by ComComIst) #HopeIsBack
Building Bottom-Up, Self Organized, Responsive, Scalable and Collective Inclusive Growth Solutions #InclusiveGrowth
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Common Companies/Companions: ComComized @ Postnational Solutions
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Blog ComComism ( for Common Companies) @ Postnational Solutions
Public Blog of ComComism for any ComComist
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Constitution of its Citizens
Against corruption, let's now make it !!!
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Gentrification Resistant HowTo @ Postnational Solutions
Get Organized AS Peer Owners
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Rcoin - coin of Respect! @ postnational solutions
Communal, Time Limited and Equally Re-distributed
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common companies consultants @ Postnational Solutions
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COMCOMIST LTD 09810711 - 5/10/2015
also see this (guest),
19 Aug 2011 10:00
Use these alternatives to increase your trust in unknown others (social capital) and without (the so corruptible) position of winner take all: |
liquid union |
iiaom |
comcomized |
Rcoin |
Dito |
Started |
The openingborders projects - we are to make new kind of well produced bottom up media in liquid union channels/ |
4 combined alternatives to avoid the arbitrary representation of the temporal majority dictatorship over minorities and those who are excluded. Just because …
"We are the will in any form or symbol, we are identifiable as water and from all directions we are coming to you to be with you and become with you the will for social justice!"
Welcome to this decentralized and post-capitalist approach benefiting the many while preventing takeover and other too-big-to-fall issues. contact us. This is under: humanitarian agpl and can be realized also with your help in github and/or by your donation.
An alternative identity, distribution, money and/or ownership creating new economy within the current governing (bureaucratic and capitalist) one. This new economy empowering individuals in groups growing from the smaller holding the bigger ones, such that
- in each group, the individuals are equal and
- between such groups, the movement of the individuals evaluates the groups.
Here are 4 scalable ideas (to be growing from small to bigger communities) about the mediums in our living. These ideas, separately or together, work against the constant ability of few tricking the mass to accumulate power endlessly. The ideas can be, gradually and peacefully, growing, parallel to the existing system, in small units combined into bigger ones, to compete in satisfying the people in such systems, by implementing mutuality/equality, where the mobility of the members/individuals evaluate their group/whole to create their power:
Obey yourself first by using intermediaries which are based on exchange ability, mutuality and inability to take the whole by pulling only few people in any group.
How? By the free movement of people between units in which they are equal and which effects the power of those units
- Becoming ungraspable drops movement power: Learning from the power of moCOMCOMIST LTD 09810711 - Incorporated on 5 October 2015 vement of ungraspable drops to replace state structures by 4 ideas of identity, money, distribution and ownership, which are all based on mobility, mutuality and individuality. It's always the medium among us which forms our normal behaviour as one system and changing the medium depends only on us.
What? We are 7 billion intelligent people controlled by a set of robots biting the indexes being the invisible hand
of our time. This invisible power uses states against people to exploit lands, corrupt governments and export and use weapons and hatred, in a productive tyranny over resources of minority, majority, consensus and/or violent anarchy. eg: 0.8% party membership in the British electorate or the saban and adelson domination in the usa politic.
govcomcom: only few huge players are players in privatization/nationalization cycles and hence a clever politician would force the citizens in the interest of such cycles to become peer owners in the rescued institutes. 2008, after obama win after wining the 2008 election obama changed the name, manager and use of what he called grass root site, then at least 2/3 of the 11 million users could not use that platform against his Afganistan war activities
Why Postnational?
State is aggressive anachronistic arrangement blocking the movement of three: people, information and/or products, while more separating the three, more the arrangement becomes monopolizing, temporary, expansive and discriminative. Hence
- For the 7 billion people of us, turning the young to be slaves of the old ones, by money or debt of central banks, can no longer be conserved, not even by New World Order.
- If civil freedom is defined by the movement of all the three: people, products and information and if any national arrangement, by monopolizing money and the powers of police and army, while fixing all these three into some specific location,
- then, as higher is the volume of the civil freedom, the more anachronistic are the national arrangements, while more costly war industries are established just to temporarily maintain the relevance of such national arrangements.
…after spontaneous activities? The Arab spring, as a spontaneous revolutions, which had became in their winter so much violent and full of interest of weapon dealers, is able to become now more bottom up and long lasting structured and this is true also for the occupy movements!
The 'em' are evaluating means, they are limited and minimally stored evaluating measures, which are equally distributed and (not only equally but) as evaluated spread. Such em are used for better society judgement while being either used instead of any price or be attached to it. eg: LetsLike. To break monopole of either currency we can use offer =(price,em).
- comcomized ownership (An ownership in a Common Company) -
- unchangeable license (as in open coding) for equal moderated and tradable ownership evaluating the whole assets as in equal shareholding but with some restrictions ( try it),
- iiaom id (an Inner Identifier and Outer Mask) made as hash of symmetrically encrypted image which is used mutually and (even by by catm devices )-
- a crypto identity forcing mutual identification effecting reputation before (webrtc) interaction and used as an alternative to the governmental identities,
- liquid-unions distribution of resources (distribution in liquid unions) -
- where the resources are distributed considering symbols of groups of members, where the symbols are instantly assigned to one of several operators (channels) united in project and financed proportionally to the number of the people represented by the symbols, ( eg: channels of the iradio),
- communal, digital and distributed equally money such as Lv, or when is limited lifetime, such as Rcoin (a Coin of Respect) , which, as a limited lifetime is devalued daily,
- so that the lost value of its owner is distributed equally between the community members (see calculus).

National currency is specified as a global value + national Vat, where Local currency is specified in area in that nation and is put for the common good of specific community in that area, specifically to allow participation in the common good by those who are less privileged in that nation, such as its immigrants and/or inhabitants.
latests + namzezam, blog and @namzezam or next>>
COMCOMIST LTD (09810711 - 5/10/2015) B1 Business Centre, Suite 206, Davyfield Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 2QY: POSTNATIONAL CONSULTANT (SIC CODES 94200 ACTIVITIES OF TRADE UNIONS).
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The terrorists are the bankers, stupid, they are giving credits for exporting weapons, corrupting governments and exploiting other's land!
namzezam, on 03 Jan 2015 03:28 history Tags:
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