The comcomized platform is now ready, use it. i
This is old info: using bp-custom.php of bp group
when creating group the type of the comcom should only once be defined, then all pages linked from the record in the genral table and the record are created ,where the visibility is depended on having the id of the comcom in the user's $holding_and_holders. Then, while assigning roles to modify specific fields, the not only once characteristic of the comcom are defined.
Event | Modification | |||||
name | in-event | only once (y/n) | from | to | by | when |
create | create group | y | from | to | by | when |
create | create group | n | from | to | by | when |
The Term and Conditions of Holding Shares in Common Company+ Lv (letslike) currency +iiaom
first see the table defined in sync on github and this comcom record.pdf
comcom agreement.pdf + comcom agreement.odg
- In short: when creating bp group, creating comcom while defining its type + 4 new pages for feeding fields of the record of the tables of comcom (eg here),with costumed visibility, so then fields are feed when modifying those pages. Here are the Functional Requirements:
The author is Erez Elul namzezam comcomist. It is given under this Humanitarian AGPL License: You are not allowed to use, produce from or design from this or its part, anything contained with the aim to kill, to torture, or without their consent, to cause harm to or to monitor people and any permission beside this restriction is granted here only under the Agpl License!
- We, the creative class, could embarrass the industries of war by humanitarian licensing, such this humanitarian agpl;
- The Humanitarian agpl (hagpl), as any other Humanitarian open source (hos) code, puts the 5th criteria, "No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups", a condition for the 6th one, "No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor" and hence forbids any discrimination between people by the use of such code.
- The knife-tank killing case: a non-humanitarian, usual and repeated argument tells that the use of knife is dual, for buttering - a humanitarian one, but also a non humanitarian use to kill people, but the case of (the vehicle) tank having in its specification being better in killing people is not "also humanitarian" as putting butter on the bread. Thus, in developing a humanitarian code from such knife, the tank application would already become forbidden.
- Stopping wars cannot be made by constantly adding wars, but by fighting the industry producing its weapons, an industry which must have all unique things under its control, a condition which is fully dependent on any one's creativity, a case which developing under humanitarian code can prevent.
- Josef Mengele ones, please stop hacking people: Arguments putting the freedom to learn by doing and the add to knowledge above any other values can only be accepted as Pseudo Religious by Agents or Angels of Death, especially nowadays, when in larger areas machines are able to be more competitive than human.
- Humanitarian open source can at-least embarrass or become more costly for the NSA in its Unnecessary and Disproportionate habit to Violates International Human Rights Standards.
- Dual licensing option: "If you hold the humanitarian values specified above and only when the code contains agpl compatible licensed code, you may use this code under agpl".
At any rate, licensed gpl versus agpl, is anachronism allowing closing open source in servers farms providing dark services.